REST API Verification Result and Status

Descriptions of the result and status properties of VerificationResponse.

Verification Result

Three-state indicator of the ultimate result of a verification request. This is the primary verification response property that should be used by API consumers to answer the question, “is this person eligible?”

Result Description
true The individual was uniquely located in at least one data source and confirmed to have at least one of the specified affiliations.
false The individual was uniquely located in at least one data source but did not have any of the specified affiliations.
null The individual was not uniquely located in at least one data source and therefore his or her affiliation status could not be conclusively determined.

Verification Status

Describes the status of a verification request as it progresses through its life-cycle. API consumers should wait until the request has entered COMPLETE status before making decisions based on the verification response’s result.

Status Description
NEW The request has been prepared but has not yet been submitted to any verification source.
PENDING The request is pending action from one or more verification sources.
COMPLETE The request has been answered by at least one verification source.